Looking for beta sites

Josephine Aflague (jaflague@server.livingston.com)
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 09:27:54 -0700

We're looking for beta sites to test our ISP Management software.

This software package caters mainly to ISPs which includes
RADIUS and ChoiceNet.

RADIUS has a back-end database to store the users and accounting
information. RADIUS Accounting has all the billing information
suitable for ISP business.

This product is Java based, which supports on NT 4.0 and
UNIX platforms that run the Java Development Kit 1.1.

If you are interested in beta testing this Product, please
email "jaflague@livingston.com". The beta qualification questionnaires
will be sent to you to gather information from your site.

Thank You,

Josie Aflague