Circuit disconnects, Pm3 disconnects in general

Nick Johnson (
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 08:40:30 -0500 (CDT)

I think I've found a way to stop these nasty disconnects; at least this
method is working so far.

Turning off v.42bis seems to make the problems go away. I've got no real
idea about exactly why, but it seems to work. I was able to stay
connected for several hours last night and finish my FreeBSD box's cvsup
for the first time on a PM3. If anyone else would like to try it, the
most common string for turning off v.42bis (but leaving MNP-5 on) is
\N3%C1. (You don't really need the \N3 if your modem is set to default to
that. It is conceivable that some may have \N4 or \N5 set, which is a bad

This would explain why I don't have this problem on our PM2Es... they've
obviously got different modems. If I had to guess, I'd say that v.42
isn't implemented correctly with the digital modems.


Nick Johnson, writer of code, fixer of modems, administrator of pops
Gulf Coast Internet Network Engineering Team
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