deleivery of intl. modems (Was:Re: Old Modem Cards)

Willem Jan Withagen (
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 11:33:23 +0200 (MET DST)

90 Days is what we've been told, but given the new type of threads in the
list, I don't really feel the urge to try you guys to rush things. Unlike
you USA people, we currently have few customers asking for 56K, and even
then we advise people to consider ISDN.


Let's face it.
All this mumbo-jumbo to squeeze bandwidth into 3000Hz of
frequency-space is rather pathetic for most of the time.



In article <> you write:
>At 01:22 PM 8/14/97 -0600, Stephen Fisher wrote:
>>Probably not, the new and old cards have the same price tag and the old
>>ones won't be supported in ComOS for much longer (relatively speaking -
>>they're letting all of the upgrades and new cards get out to the American
>>market and the European which apparently has to wait 90 days and
>>everything first).
>I hate setting false expectations, but international modem cards won't take
>us near 90 days to ship.

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