Re: K56Flex Question.

John W Baxter (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 12:26:13 -0700

At 17:45 -0400 8/13/97, Stephen Zedalis wrote:
>Are there ANY other modems that definitely support it? We struck out
>with Hayes Accura, Motorola ModemSurfer, SupraExpress 56K. All had code
>at and none of them would negotiate at 56K speeds. One (the Supra)
>even reported a fast busy. Motorola says they have code but they
>were not shipping it since it had problems with European phone systems.
>Hayes technician denied new code was available. None of the modems off
>the shelf we bought a week or two ago show a high enough code revision.
>And one of the legacy modems that was connecting to the PM-3 at 28.8
>is now doing it at 26400 transmit and 4800 recieve! So much for improved
>compatibility with the Lucent modems.

Watch the connect speeds for a while during the connection. One of my
personal legacy modems (Mac SupraExpress33.6) often starts with the receive
direction (Portmaster's point-of-view) at 4800 or 7200...but as bytes pass
that direction it works up to around 24000. So does my legacy early Mac
Supra 56e (which is the best V.34 modem I have at the house [including the
Global Village Platinum I lent out recently], but may never become a 56K
modem--certainly not soon).


John Baxter (Born before ENIAC, but not by much.)      Port Ludlow, WA, USA