Re: NT and UNIX

Dale E. Reed Jr. (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 11:51:44 -0700

Robert Hiltibidal wrote:
> I need to come up with a way to move unix style passwords into nt
> passwords. I've got two months before implementation....

There is not an easy way. UNIX passwords are one-way encrypted.
The only way to de-crypt is with a dictionary, and even then
you won't get all of them (or most of them, or some of them).

> Understand we are told by Microsoft there is no way to import the
> passwords. I'm hoping they are wrong... over 4000 passwords

For once they are not. Have to mark that one (guess there is a
first for everything).

> running a sniffer... not my favorite
> manually cracking the the password file
> retyping all those usernames and passwords..

If you are interested in RadiusNT, it has an option to replace
passwords in ODBC mode. Its very similar to your sniffer idea,
but does it automatically. The users come in authing with PAP
(chap doesn't work here) and RadiusNT has the clear text password.
It auths that against your unix passwd file and can verify that
it is indeed the password. Then it stores that password over
the "UNIX" password. We can do that with WINNT passwords as
well. Then if you use a mail server like NTMail that can
auth from an Emerald DB, you are set.

Dale E. Reed Jr.  (
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