Re: Global Village modems

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 06:17:30 -1000 (HST)

On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Eddie Fry wrote:

> I have a customer running a Mac with a Global Village Gold modem.
> Does anybody have an init string for these? She is having problems
> connecting.

In addition to the below, don't forget to drop the port speed to like

AT&F1 for TelePort Silver, Gold, Gold II, and Mercury
AT&F1 for the Platinum

13.Save changes and close the control panel.

If you are having a problem with connection, try using the predial init
above and adding %C0 (percent -cee-zero) and/or \N0, (backslash-en-zero)
to the end of the init string. This may be needed when connecting to
mainframes and UNIX systems.

If your settings are correct and you continue to have problems with PPP,
try removing the PPP Preferences, found in the Preference folder in the
System folder, and set them again. Please also try re-selecting PPP from
within the MacTCP window.

Aloha from Paradise,
