Re: Busy Signal but only 3 People Logged On

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 05:45:04 -1000 (HST)

On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Gail A. Harless wrote:

> Hi!
> I hope someone's out there right now!
> I have only 3 people logged on, so I _know_ something's wrong when I get a
> busy signal. It is happening on modems low in the hunt group, so no one
> is going to be able to get on!

First.... what hardware? what OS? Can you dial directly to a number
higher in the pool? If so, try calling direct.. if that works, can you
reroute your phone lines so that you move the first few lines in the hunt
group to a different set of modems... if you can then test again... but I
have the feeling your telco may be acting up...

Aloha from Paradise,
