Motorola Bitsurfer Pro & PM2ei

Joe (
Tue, 12 Aug 1997 22:11:31 -0400 (EDT)

Have a bitsurfr pro on a linux machine dialing into a pm2ei.

Whether it uses 1 or 2 B channels, throughput is the same. On the same
portmaster and linux machine, a 3com Impact works perfectly.

We have another customer who uses a bitsurfr pro to connect to us, and for
a while the same symptoms occured. Then one day it magically started
getting twice the throughput it used to get.

So I duplicated this machines ppp scripts to the T. Still only 1 channels
throughput, no magic for me.

The Bitsurfr has almost the latest firmware revision...I'm stuck, the 3com
works fine, bitsurfr wants 1 B channels throughput whether 1 channel or 2
channels are connected.

Debug output from the pm2 shows no irregularities.

Since the 3com behaves properly, it's not any port setting problems on the
linux machine. I'm convinced it's the bitsurfr.

Anyone seen this, have a magic init string I can blast the bitburper with
to make it "normal" ??

