Re: K56 modem connection problems

David Davies (
Sat, 9 Aug 1997 11:27:45 -0400

> If so, has anyone had connection problems with other modems under
> 3.5.1b20? (I remember reading someone having a problem with HSP modems)

We had upgraded to b17 a while back and had some issues that I understand
b20 took care of. We've been running b8 with no problems at all and
various 56K modem types coming in with the appropriate knock down strings.
Haven't had any hitches at all except for Practical P's but that has been
handled with a "hybrid" string :-)

One step up to b8 might be a good first step. We don't plan to upgrade the
OS until we get the new modems :-0 Which may be sometime in the summer of
'98. Just kidding but my good natured bet goes like this. first non-beta
modem installed and running with another OS upgrade ....June 14th 1998.
Put me down for $20.00

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."