Shutdown (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 7 Aug 1997 19:15:35 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Chris Comley shaped the electrons to say...
>Is there a *graceful* way of taking down a PM3? Just hitting "reboot"

Not really, you can busy modems out one by one...

Could be an idea though:

Busies out modems as they drop, and doesn't accept any new connections
(returns busy). Reboots when all connections are gone.

maybe 'softreboot [seconds]'

Does the above, or after 'seconds' have passed says "Oh hell" and just
reboots anyway even if someone is on. That way some camped out user can't
keep the box from rebooting.

Maybe 'softreboot [users (number)] [seconds (value)] is better.

Waits for them all to clear. Unless a 'users value' pair is present -
waits for it to drop to this number (what, only 5 left - reboot). And/or
a 'seconds value' pair - waits that number of seconds...

This is me, thinking...


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