Remote POP

Ron Parker (
Wed, 6 Aug 1997 11:30:43 -0500 (CDT)

I currently use a remote call forwarding service (Telebranch) to forward
calls from a remote location served by a non-SWB telco into my analog
modem pools. I do not have any physical equipment in this location. This
worked pretty good for analog calls, although with reduced connect speeds,
but it isn't going to work for ISDN and 56k due to interoffice trunking,

I was going to just put a PM3 in a building out there and run a T1 and a
PRI into it but PRIs are $1,400+ per month from the non-SWB telco versus
about $400 for SWB PRIs. Also, I don't really have enough traffic for 23
channels in that area yet.

I would prefer not to have to place equipment in the remote POP but I can
if it would make this work. Any suggestions?

Ron Parker
Network Communications Specialist
Brazosport College