Re: K56Flex 1.1 and strange sounds

Joe Portman (
Tue, 5 Aug 1997 19:06:43 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, Jon Rust wrote:

> The Ascend list has a thread concerning a new sound the K56Flex 1.1 modem
> code makes. Supposedly, this new sound throws all v.34 and v.32bis modems
> into a tailspin. Check the Ascend mailing list for more details.

Not all of them, mostly older 14.4's. I have a variety of V.34 modems that
work just find.

For those modems that freak on the K56 tones, add two commas at the end of
the users phone number. Seems to really help.

Joe Portman - Alternate Access Inc. Affordable, Reliable Internet Seattle: (206) 777-7777 Everett: (206) 249-4949
Tacoma: (206) 927-6010 Federal Way: (206) 838-8457
Bellevue: (206) 455-8414 ISDN: (206) 448-7565
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