Hunting from analog into digital

Kevin Kadow (
Fri, 1 Aug 1997 00:06:35 -0500 (CDT)

Jonathan Lusky <> writes:
> Somebody wrote:
> > The ONLY way to make it work is order call forward on busy on the LAST
> > line in the first hunt group,
> > THEN you must pay for each additional path,
> > which in Houston is $28/mo per line. So if you have 20 lines in a 2nd hunt
> > group that you want to be hunted from the first hunt group, you will pay
> > $28*20 EXTRA ON TOP of the $2 to $5 per line that you already pay for the
> > hunt service.
> Been there, done that (cept we already pay something like $26/line for
> hunting here in Bellsouthland). Bell told us they'd roll our analog
> hunt into our PRI's using call forward/busy for free, then turned around
>a couple of months later and billed us something like $30/line for it... OUCH.

Ameritech (Illinois) originally said that they can hunt from the end of an
analog sequence to a Channelized T1, then they say CT1 or PRI, now the
party line is that the only way to do it is to use call-forward-on-busy,
it should be free, but their billing software doesn't know that so they
will just credit any charges until they fix the billing program!

This from a company that is now petitioning the FCC for the ability to offer
long distance services!