Re: ComOS 3.7?? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 17:00:52 +1700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Luther D. Keal shaped the electrons to say...
>33.6 sounds good, but what about some of the other long standing problems
>such as support for crappy old modems like Winmodems, Zoltrix, etc??

What fixes can be made to the old code have mostly been made. We will
continue to try and do bug fixes for the old modems for the next few months.
There are some more in 3.7 I believe, that came after b20.

But at the same time we have new modems and modem code to focus on, and I'm
sure there will be teething issues with 56K since it is a new technology.

Frankly there is probably going to be a rocky period in the transition when
there are half the sites on old modems and half on new, but we're trying to
get the upgrades out as fast as we can to make it a quick transition.


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