Re: Email only accounts

Miracle Worker (
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 08:49:22 -0500 (CDT)

Set up a radius users entry for each email user.
specify "Session-Timeout = 900" (for 15 minutes)
then add a "Framed-Filter = email" and create a filter named on
each portmaster they will be using
with the appropriate restrictions to allow access to the email and other
necessary services such as DNS, etc.

This should do it very nicely.

On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Robert Hiltibidal wrote:

> Howdy,
> My boss wants to try a different approach for email only accounts. Right
> now for email only's we do not allow them to have dial in access. He wants
> to change that.
> We have a customer base of over 5000 with 12 different pop sites. We're
> running linux 2.0.29 with radius 2.01
> The users file is hashed by builddbm
> The goal is two fold:
> allow 15 minutes for the email's only
> have radius put a temporary filter in that limits the tcp/ip,icmp,udp et
> al protocols to just pop only. More: limit the pop requests to one
> particualr email server.
> Any ideas on how to do this?
> Rob
> Systems Programmer "Open the doors of your stores
> 24 hours a day"
> Springpatch Mall