Re: PM30 & Sportsters

Jeff Halper (
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 20:46:24 -0700 (PDT)

I had a similar problem - I upgraded my portmaster software to the newest
version on Livingstons site, and all is well. (I only have 1 meg of ram
in each PM)

On Sun, 29 Sep 1996, Nick Feinberg wrote:

> I have 1 pm30 with 30 Sportsters (the older sportsters about 1.5 years
> old) and that worked fine. I then bought a 2nd pm30 with 30 more
> sportsters (newer, right before the X2 sportsers came out). The problem
> is I often find the 2nd Portmaster will often not pick up incoming
> calls. If I telnet in and reset all the idle ports it works for a
> about 1 day then starts over. If I do a show all I see all the ports
> are getting usage, but If I do not reset all idle ports ever few hrs
> customers start to yell! I have noticed that ofen the Sportster Auto
> Answer ligh is off and only returns when I reset it. I have also played
> with the auto answer dip switch but no go.
> Both PM30s have 4MB and OS 3.3.3
> Init String is: AT&F1S0=1&w\r
> Any suggestions would be great.
> Nick

Jeff Halper
Internet Hotline