Re: Design scenario question....

Charles Scott (
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 18:55:00 -0400 (EDT)

My suggestion is #2, you'll get better performance. Also consider that the
PM2's can do an undocumented 230.4K on each port. We currently have 2 remote
sites connected in with ISDN FX lines, one with a single line (2B's) and
another with 2 lines (4B's). Once you figure out how to keep the lines up it
works out fine. In one case we have an OR-U dial'd into a PM3 and the other
we have 2 Bitsurfr's at each end tied to PM2 ports.
The one thing we had a problem with was keeping both ports up on the
PM2's with the Bitsurfr's. It's related to two phone numbers in the
location setting (xxx-xxxx&xxx-xxxx) since we didn't have them hunting.
If the first line called dropped, the PM2 would just dial it back up. If
the second one dropped, the PM2 would try to dial the first number to
bring it back up, but that would be busy. We reconfigured with 2
locations, but the PM2 didn't always want to bring the seccond location
back up even though it was set to "automatic". I ended up writing a
script on one of our servers, which gets kicked every 10 min, that tells
the PM2 to dial both locations. If either is down, it will bring it back
up. Not real clean but it worked. I have to admit though that I'm at
this minute waiting for the Telco to fix the T-1 they installed to that
location which we're going to use to replace the two ISDN FX lines.

Sorry, I got way off topic. Well, at least I didn't start telling
you about what I had for lunch...

Chuck Scott

On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Timothy Deem wrote:

> I have a comparison question concerning actual throughput:
> If I have the following 2 scenarios, which one allows the most
> true throughput for end users (meaning it allows the most end
> users with no perceived delays in traffic in/out):
> 1) 2 cisco 2501 routers with a single synch 56k DDS
> circuit between them.
> 2) A livingston OR-U office ISDN router connected to
> a livingston PM2 Access Server with a dual asynch
> ISDN (128k) between them.
> Cost is not the specific issue -- design for support of
> the end users is the primary focus in this application.
> All input is appreciated...
> Thanks,
> Timothy