Re: PC-Tel

Wes Funderberg (
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 14:04:16 -0400

CYGNET Support wrote:

This is where you will need to get the updated drivers for this modem.
It does create a virtual port (usually 4). It's a monster to get it
updated but it does work afterwards.

Happy Computing!

> Has anyone had any of their customers using a modem from PC-TEL that
> configures as a HSP 33.6 under WIN95 and when connecting to the PM3
> hangs
> the computer? I have seen this on three identical machines. The modem
> has
> software that configures a virtual type of COM port.
> Is there any work around for this.
> PM3 COMOS 3.5.1b20 2 PRI model
> Thanks Eugene