Re: New CT1 tarriff from US West

Shawn Morris (
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 11:15:12 -0500 (CDT)

We haven't tried anything like this with GTE, however we did try to get
Ameritech to make our CT1's to hunt to our PRI. They said that they could
not do it because of some tariff or another.

*Shawn Morris*
*Midwest Internet*
*Network Operations 800.651.1599x217*
*300 E. Main 618.529-7271x217*
*Carbondale, IL 62901*

On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, PM Mailing List wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Shawn Morris wrote:
> > I'm no telco genius, but this seems very similar to how are CT1's are
> > provisioned from GTE and we've had no problems.
> Have you had any success having the the CT1's hunt group hunt down to
> another hunt group, say POTS lines or even a circuit-switched voice BRI's?
> Apparently, US West will not even consider the possibility of hunting
> between "different types of services" even though I am sure it is
> possible. They say it is no big deal to hunt w/ 2 CT1's. Since the this
> new CT1 tariff seems to have flat rate outgoing calls, would it be
> possible to forward calls from the last trunk of the T1 to another hunt
> group?
> Sincerely,
> Thomas