Re: radius

Travis Choma (
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 10:56:45 -0400 (EDT)

Hi, we are running 2.0.1 we were running 1.1.6 and both had this problem.
With 3.5c6 com/os. I don't think its an attack although it is possible.
any other ideas.

Travis Choma |
Systems Administrator | Voice 905-834-6388
Internet Technologies, Inc | Fax 905-834-1486
Why bother building any more nuclear warheads until
we use the ones we have????

On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Robert Hiltibidal wrote:

> What version of Radius are you using? What os?
> Not too long ago there was a post from a guy Japan. He said he'd found a
> way to "bomb" radius ports with spurious udp packets. We downloaded the
> program he used and tried it against our own systems. It did not work.
> We're running Radius 2.01 he claimed to be running 1.16 What you're
> decribing is very similar to a DOS attack. However, it may not be. If
> you're running an older version of Radius, I'd reccommend upgrading asap.
> -Rob
> On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Travis Choma wrote:
> >
> > Hi, I have been plagued with a strange problem, it seems that radius
> > randomly goes into bouts where it won't authenticate certain users for 10
> > mins er soo at a time, other users can login fine so its not totally
> > failing, random people at random times, or so it appears, anyone have any
> > pointers to at least get me started. I am at a loss.
> > Thanx in advance.
> >
> >
> > Travis Choma |
> > Systems Administrator | Voice 905-834-6388
> > Internet Technologies, Inc | Fax 905-834-1486
> > ------------------------------------------------------
> > Why bother building any more nuclear warheads until
> > we use the ones we have????
> >
> >
> Systems Programmer "Open the doors of your stores
> 24 hours a day"
> Springpatch Mall