Re: compatible protocol error?

Joshua Barney (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 16:25:32 -0500 (CDT)

If that doesn't work check the inits on your modem... This always causes
that problem for me...

On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Mike Taylor wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, RCIP Support wrote:
> > We are experiencing an error with our windows 95 customers. They dial us
> > up and they get the "dial up networking can not negotiate a compatible set
> > of network protocols specified in the server type settings in the control
> > panel." About 80 percent of our customers are experiencing this. We have
> >
> Installing Dial-Up Networking on Windows 95 Script.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Your P.C. may have Dial-Up Networking installed.
> If it is it can found by double-clicking on the icon "My Computer".
> A new window will appear titled "My Computer".
> Look in this window for Dial-Up Networking.
> If you find Dial-Up Networking go to the section Configuring Your
> WIN95 P.C. for Dial-Up Networking. You may need to have your WIN95
> installation disk or CD-ROM available to continue.
> Installing Dial-Up Networking.
> ------------------------------
> 1. In the window "My Computer" double-click on the icon "Control Panel"
> then double-click on "Add/Remove Programs". This will open a window
> called "Add/Remove Programs Properties". In it you will find three folder
> tabs.
> 2. Click on "Windows Setup".
> 3. Double-click on "Communications".
> 4. Select Dial-Up Networking by putting your pointer on the square next to
> Dial-Up Networking and clicking once. A check mark should appear in the
> square.
> 5. Close this window by clicking on the "OK" button.
> 6. Click on the Folder Tab "Install/Uninstall".
> 7. Click on the "Install" button.
> 8. It may prompt you for a diskette or CD-ROM disk if it cannot find the
> program Dial-Up Networking on your hard drive.
> 9. Close the "Add/Remove Programs Properties".
> Configuring your WIN95 P.C. for Dial-Up Networking
> ---------------------------------------------------
> 1. Double-click on the "Network" icon in the "Control Panel" window.
> 2. Click on "Dial-Up Adapter" to select it.
> 3. Click on the "Add" button.
> 4. Click on "Protocol".
> 5. Click on the "Add" button.
> 6. Click on "Microsoft".
> 7. Click on "TCP/IP" in the "Network Protocols:" window.
> 8. Click on the "OK" button.
> 9. The Network Protocols "Microsoft DLC" and "NetBEUI" are not
> supported over Dial-Up Networking, "IPX" is not supported on the
> internet. If those are listed, please remove them.
> Configuring TCP/IP
> ------------------
> 10. You should now be back in the "Network" window. Within this window
> you will see the box "The following network components are installed:"
> Double click on "TCP/IP" (short cut- hit the "t" key to get
> here fast and then double click).
> 11. Select the tab "IP Address".
> 12. Highlight the radio button "Obtain an IP address automatically".
> 13. Select the tab "DNS Configuration".
> 14. Highlight the radio button "Enable DNS".
> 14.1 In the box labled "Host:" enter your username. In the box labled
> "Domain" enter
> 15. Enter your DNS servers IP address in the field below " DNS Server
> Search Order". Click "Add" adjacent to it.
> Primary DNS:
> Secondary DNS:
> 15.1 Select WINS configuration. Highlight Disable WINS resolution.
> 16. Go to the bottom of this window and click on "OK".
> 22. Click on "OK" to close the "Network" window. It may prompt you to
> restart your computer now. Click on "Yes".
> Making a New Connection
> ------------------------
> 1. Double click on the icon "My Computer".
> 2. Double click on the folder "Dial-Up Networking".
> 3. Double click on the icon "Make New Connection".
> 4. Type the name of the location that you are dialing. (jeffnet)
> 5. Verify that the correct modem type is specified. Use the down arrow to
> select the correct type.
> 6. Click on "Configure".
> 7. Select the "General" tab.
> 8. Verify that the "Port" setting is set to the port that your modem is on.
> 9. Verify the Maximum speed is set to the highest port speed that your
> P.C. and modem will support. Use the down arrow to select the appropriate
> speed. i.e.. 14,400 modems generally have a maximum port speed of 57,600
> and they are supported on a vast number of P.C.'s. If you have a 16550
> UART and a 28,800/V34 modem use a maximum port speed of 115200. Note: the
> safest speed is 9600, it is the least common denominator and should work
> with every P.C. and modem however, it will be slow.
> 10. The "Connection and "Options" tabs allow you to customize these
> features. Use the defaults for each of these. "Do NOT change anything!"
> 11. Click on "OK" at the bottom of this window.
> 12. Click on "Next>".
> 13. Type in the Area code and Phone number of the JEFFNET server.
> 14. Before you click on "Finish" read the text that tells you how to edit
> this later. Now click on "Finish".
> Connecting - Dialing into the Internet/Network
> ----------------------------------------------
> 1. Double click on the location icon that you just created. It is in the
> Dial-Up Networking window.
> 2. Type in the "User name" and "Password" of your account that your
> ISP/Administrator has assigned you for this connection. Note: Both entries
> are upper/lower case sensitive. Your "User name" will default to the your
> computer's software registration name and is NOT likely to be correct for
> this connection.
> 3. Verify that the phone number is correct for the location that you are
> calling to.
> 4. Do NOT select "Dial Properties" unless you are using a calling card.
> 5. Click on "Connect".
> 6. Watch the diagnostic messages for the status of your connection.
> Troubleshooting Your Dial-Up Networking
> ----------------------------------------
> 1. "The modem is not plugged in or out of service"
> a. Plug in the modem with a straight through cable.
> b. Plug the modem in and turn it on.
> c. Set the Maximum speed to 9600.
> If you are unsure of the maximum speed that your computer or modem supports
> select 9600 and move it up as you make successful connections.
> 2. "Enter your password to connect." You are getting this message because
> either your "User name" or "Password" is incorrect. Remember that capitol
> letters and spelling counts here. Another remote possibility is that your
> account is not set-up yet (call your ISP/Administrator).
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Joshua Barney -- Northeast Nebraska ComNet
Network Administrator (402) 373-4603