RE: Log Parser for NT - Binary not Perl?

Robert Hiltibidal (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 06:46:17 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Zak Wolfinger wrote:

> A) I also do not want to start a unix vs nt flame

> B) I am the only person in our organization that knows anything about Unix
> (Certified SCO Unix Sys Admin). So guess who get's called on vacation/day
> off/etc when someone else wants to get stats (like the President of the
> company etc)

My sympathies.. =)

> D) Livingston and Emerald have both ported Radius to NT, so why not try to
> find supporting programs native to the OS?

I suspect the problem is there is very little if any supporting software
for radius nt. Dale Reed was the last nt guru I've actually seen software
from...not that there aren't more nt coders out there, I'm just not aware
of them. Might be a different story if Microsoft released some free
programming languages so third parties can actually make some decent
software adapted for a particular need not corporate profits. I'd also
like to see the gnu project kinda take nt under its wing and prove to
Bill Gates others have talent as well...


Systems Programmer "Open the doors of your stores 24 hours a day" Springpatch Mall