Re: Free pm3's

Leonard (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 19:28:25 -0700 (PDT)

That's what the guys at solunet told us too. But the offer only applies to
PM3s bought between sometime in the middle of this month till sept 30.
What I'm wondering is - is the free unit just the base unit, or is it with
the whole 48 digital 56Kflex-ready (or upgradeable) modems?

I guess Livingston is preparing for IPO? :)

On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Tim Flavin wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Chris Evoy wrote:
> > I just heard on the inet-access list that if you buy 2 pm3's you get one
> > free. This can't be true? And if it is, can you please send me the 3 free
> > ones I am owed ;)
> No doubt! I'd like my 4
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> Tim Flavin Internet Access for St Louis & Chicago
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