PM3 & ISDN framing errors

R.D. Thrush (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 20:00:36 -0400 (EDT)

I have a customer with a USR Sportster 128k ISDN internal modem
getting framing errors reported as device errors in his Dialup
Networking Monitor. The customer is running NT4 w/ SP3 plus some
additional hot fixes. The framing errors occur after the line is idle
for a few seconds.

Our pm3's are running 3.5.1b20 with all PRI's. I have had the
customer try several PRI and pm3 combinations but each results in the
framing error. A "show s#" on the ports he's connected to show no
framing errors (Is this even possible?)

When dialing into another of our PRI's connected to a USR Total
Control Hub, the customer has no framing error problems. He also has
access to an Ascend Max that does not exhibit the framing error

Is there a recommended configuration for the customer's device that
will correct these framing errors?

Has anyone had a similar problem or know a solution?

Here's a 0x51 decode of one of his sessions that works fine except
for the continual framing errors after being idle.

Dring: Decoder Ring for Livingston Product PPP traces

S0: Sending Request Connect - 64Kbps / Data (B1 ID:61)

S0: Received Connect - B

Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S0 of 13 bytes containing
01 00 00 11 05 06 00 00 6A 60 07 02 08 02 0D 03 06
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 00, 17 bytes.
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x00006A60]
Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
Callback [0x0D], length: (3 bytes), [0x06]

Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S0 of 7 bytes containing:
04 00 00 07 0D 03 06
Packet Info: Code: 04, ID: 00, 7 bytes.
Callback [0x0D], length: (3 bytes), [0x06]

Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S0 of 14 bytes containing:
01 01 00 0E 05 06 AD 5D 66 96 03 04 C0 23
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 01, 14 bytes.
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xAD5D6696]
Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password Authentication Protocol [0xC023]

Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S0 of 10 bytes containing:
01 01 00 0E 05 06 00 00 6A 60 07 02 08 02
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 01, 14 bytes.
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x00006A60]
Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)

Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S0 of 14 bytes containing:
02 01 00 0E 05 06 00 00 6A 60 07 02 08 02
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 01, 14 bytes.
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x00006A60]
Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)

Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S0 of 10 bytes containing:
02 01 00 0E 05 06 AD 5D 66 96 03 04 C0 23
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 01, 14 bytes.
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0xAD5D6696]
Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password Authentication Protocol [0xC023]
**** S0: LCP Open

Received UNKNOWN on port S0 of 14 bytes containing:
0C 02 00 12 00 00 6A 60 4D 53 52 [NP] [STX] [NULL] [DC2] [NULL] [NULL] j ` M S R
41 53 56 34 2E 30 30 A S V 4 . 0 0

Received UNKNOWN on port S0 of 18 bytes containing:
0C 03 00 16 00 00 6A 60 4D 53 52 [NP] [ETX] [NULL] [SYN] [NULL] [NULL] j ` M S R
41 53 2D 31 2D 4E 54 5F 42 4F 58 A S - 1 - N T _ B O X

Received PAP_AUTH_REQ on port S0 of 24 bytes containing:
01 06 00 18 0C 78 79 7A 7A 79 7A 2E 69 73 64 6E 32 06 70
6C 75 67 68 71
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 06, 24 bytes.
Login ID: xyzzyz.isdn2 (12 bytes), [0x746E6F6D61642E6973646E32]
Password: plughq (6 bytes), [0x6A762D383830]

Sending PAP_AUTH_ACK to port S0 of 20 bytes containing:
02 06 00 14 0F 4C 6F 67 69 6E 20 53 75 63 63 65 65 64 65
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 06, 20 bytes.
Message: Login Succeeded (15 bytes),

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S0 of 16 bytes containing:
01 01 00 10 02 06 00 2D 0F 00 03 06 CC 60 74 70
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 01, 16 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F00]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []

Sending LCP_PROTOCOL_REJECT to port S0 of 16 bytes containing:
08 02 00 10 80 FD 01 04 00 0A 12 06 00 00 00 01
Packet Info: Code: 08, ID: 02, 16 bytes.
[0x80], length: (253 bytes), [0x0104000A120600000001]

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S0 of 36 bytes containing:
01 05 00 28 02 06 00 2D 0F 01 03 06 00 00 00 00 81 06 00
00 00 00 82 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 84 06 00
00 00 00
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 05, 40 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary NBNS Server Address [0x82], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary NBNS Server Address [0x84], length: (6 bytes), []

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S0 of 10 bytes containing:
04 05 00 0A 84 06 00 00 00 00
Packet Info: Code: 04, ID: 05, 10 bytes.
Secondary NBNS Server Address [0x84], length: (6 bytes), []

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S0 of 12 bytes containing:
02 01 00 10 02 06 00 2D 0F 00 03 06 CC 60 74 70
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 01, 16 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F00]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S0 of 30 bytes containing:
01 06 00 22 02 06 00 2D 0F 01 03 06 00 00 00 00 81 06 00
00 00 00 82 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 06, 34 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary NBNS Server Address [0x82], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), []

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_NAK to port S0 of 16 bytes containing:
03 06 00 10 82 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 CC 60 74 06
Packet Info: Code: 03, ID: 06, 16 bytes.
Primary NBNS Server Address [0x82], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), []

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S0 of 30 bytes containing:
01 07 00 22 02 06 00 2D 0F 01 03 06 00 00 00 00 81 06 00
00 00 00 82 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 CC 60 74 06
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 07, 34 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary NBNS Server Address [0x82], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), []

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S0 of 10 bytes containing:
04 07 00 0A 82 06 00 00 00 00
Packet Info: Code: 04, ID: 07, 10 bytes.
Primary NBNS Server Address [0x82], length: (6 bytes), []

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S0 of 24 bytes containing:
01 08 00 1C 02 06 00 2D 0F 01 03 06 00 00 00 00 81 06 00
00 00 00 83 06 CC 60 74 06
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 08, 28 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), []

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_NAK to port S0 of 16 bytes containing:
03 08 00 10 03 06 D0 06 CA 1C 81 06 CC 60 74 02
Packet Info: Code: 03, ID: 08, 16 bytes.
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S0 of 24 bytes containing:
01 09 00 1C 02 06 00 2D 0F 01 03 06 D0 06 CA 1C 81 06 CC
60 74 02 83 06 CC 60 74 06
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 09, 28 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), []

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S0 of 28 bytes containing:
02 09 00 1C 02 06 00 2D 0F 01 03 06 D0 06 CA 1C 81 06 CC
60 74 02 83 06 CC 60 74 06
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 09, 28 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), []
**** S0: IPCP Open
**** LCP IPCP Open