Re: Ascend -> Radius

Kevin Smith (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 13:30:57 -0700

At 01:10 PM 7/28/97 -0400, Steven P. Crain wrote:
>On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, Tim Patterson wrote:
>> My Ascends - > Livingston Radius detail files
>> indicate Request-Authenticator = Unverified
>> This line does not show up on PM generated detail files.
>Our Ascends sign the packets correctly. I would guess you are either
>running an old or buggy version of the Ascend OS, or else you don't have
>it configured correctly. It needs to have the shared secret in two
>places, once for radius and once for accounting.

Probably missed the auth key for accounting....

>If it is a Max 40xx,
>Ethernet->Mod COnfig->Accounting->Acct Key
>Should be set to your RADIUS secret.

...allows for a different auth/acct server key...

>Now, tell me, what is this doing under ethernet? ;-)

Where would you like me to move it to :) ?
