RE: Log Parser for NT - Binary not Perl?

Zak Wolfinger (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 15:47:20 -0500

A) I also do not want to start a unix vs nt flame

B) I am the only person in our organization that knows anything about Unix
(Certified SCO Unix Sys Admin). So guess who get's called on vacation/day
off/etc when someone else wants to get stats (like the President of the
company etc)

C) I'm am admittedly not a programmer, nor do I want to become one. I'll
do what I'm good at and let the programmers do what they are good at. So
porting to another language is out of the question.

D) Livingston and Emerald have both ported Radius to NT, so why not try to
find supporting programs native to the OS?



( 10 let tone$="jovial"
20 let flame$="not intended"
30 end ) <----my level of programming
experience. (ha!)

On Monday, July 28, 1997 2:11 PM, Robert Hiltibidal []
> Howdy,
> Perl for nt isn't very stable yet. Might be why he wants a non perl
> version. There's some pascal and c++ compilers out there for nt you could
> probally use to port some perl scripts over.
> Rob
> Systems Programmer "Open the doors of your
> 24 hours a day"
> Springpatch Mall
> On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Mike Taylor wrote:
> > On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Zak Wolfinger wrote:
> >
> > > Anyone have a source for non-perl Radius log parsers for NT?
Shareware or Freeware?
> > >
> > I don't want to start a flame war about why NT sucks. But why don't
> > just get a copy of PERL. Its a great little language, the basic of the
> > 90's, give it a try, you will like it. (unless you have the MSBORG
> > implant).
> >
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