PM3 <-> Sportster ISDN problem.

Mike Carlson (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 00:02:49 -0600

Here is a message I just got from one of my users:

>I'm really enjoying my new account with your service. My throughput much
>better than I was getting with Pacific Bell Internet. My only problem is
>that I don't stay connected at 128k with both channels the whole time.
>It connects then drops after a minute or two, the reconnects a minute or
>two later. It is pretty annoying because the machine beeps every time it
>adds the second channel back.
>This didn't happen with Pacific Bell Internet and I am using the same
>settings. Am I missing something? I have a USR Sportster 128k ISDN
>internal card if this helps at all.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, what was involved in
fixing it? (Init string, new ROM rev., etc.) Right now this message is
all the info I have (since most users don't like it when you call them at
