Re: ISDN on Channelized T1? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 27 Jul 1997 20:00:15 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jeff Carneal shaped the electrons to say...
>I'd love to see a technical description of what Livingston is doing to
>achieve this. Do you guys have such a thing?

Nothing to odd - the PM-3 has a digital switch. When the data comes in
as voice on a PRI, or anything on a ChanT1, it is sent to a DSP as well as
the HDLC controller. HDLC will always sync first if it is really a DOSBS
call. If it does the HDLC controller tells the DSP to give up. If it
doesn't the DSP is allowed to continue trying modem negotiation.

>I have a question here too. I have Black's _ISDN and SS7_ book, and from
>what I've seen, there is no mention of a field in either layer 2 or 3 that
>distinguishes an ISDN voice call from an ISDN data call. Can somebody
>tell me how the two are distinguishable?

D channel signalling.


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