Re: RFE (fwd)

Stephen Fisher (
Sun, 27 Jul 1997 18:32:59 -0600 (MDT)

Not a whole lot. If you have a user who wants to secure their account so
much that they can only access it from one geographic location/phone
number you can set a location table entry up for them. Having a dynamic
dial-back system which I believe is what everyone is talking about does
nothing more than prove to the ISP that that user is calling from that
location. If they change locations they could just tell it to call them
back at that one. Not very secure. I suppose you could setup a list of
possible numbers the user could be called back at but why do so much work
for a user to get a simple further method of security. Use something like
SecurID instead?

On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, Tom Samplonius wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, James Courtier-Dutton wrote:
> > Hello, > Much as I think this is a good idea. Why arn't more people
> asking for PPP CBCP (Dialback).
> Many people don't use or need dialback. In fact, what do people use
> it for?