Re: Lucent 56k (fwd)

Brian Elfert (
Sun, 27 Jul 1997 10:03:37 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 26 Jul 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> 2. I too have seen claims that they can get 56K downloads without violating
> the FCC power limitations. At InterOp a person in the Lucent booth was
> saying they can go even higher - 61K in Europe where they don't have the
> power limits and the lines are mostly 64K clean. But in real world situations

USR's X2 also has possible connect rates up to 61K or higher.

Of course, with the power restrictions, X2 is never going to get that high
in the US. Apparently, USR's power restriction only limits the power, and
doesn't actually prevent connects above 53K. I've heard of a few rare
cases of X2 users actually getting 56K connects.

I'm reserving judgement on whether X2 or K56Flex is better until I get my
Portmaster 3, and can compare throughput with my USR Total Control.

> Upload is V.34bis. Officially it goes up to 33.6K. I think the low-end
> is 2400bps. Fairly standard, just like today's modems.

Isn't 33.6 just an addendum to the original V.34 spec? I think it's still
officially called V.34.
