Re: ISDN on Channelized T1? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 26 Jul 1997 18:06:41 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Donald Reiher shaped the electrons to say...
>That is correct. But we were under the impression that CT1 could not
>support ISDN. Is DOV technically ISDN or not? Is it cheaper than ISDN?

This is what is called technological slight of hand...

Technically a channelized T1 line is NOT capable of handling ISDN.

HOWEVER, data is data. Channelized T1 lines CAN handle voice calls. And
an ISDN DOSBS call is treated by the telco like a voice call. So you are
taking advantage of this little tidbit to route call that originates as ISDN
onto a non-ISDN line. You don't need a D channel to *receive* an ISDN DOSBS
call, just to make one. So all we are doing is taking that 56K data stream
and decoding it just as we would if it were on a PRI.

Now, you *do* need full ISDN service (a PRI) to accept ISDN DATA calls.
Channelized T1 just lets you support a very strict subset of ISDN - purely
56K ISDN DOSBS calls.

>If so, then why haven't I heard about it? I called BA Infospeed yesterday,
>and the person said their was no such thing as DOV. Are they morons or

You cannot *order* DOV. It isn't a service. It is a protocol used by the
calling TA.

In any case it it is offically called DOSBS - not DOV.

What you need to do on the client end is order the BRI ISDN line with
speech capabilities. Do NOT order a data-only BRI or you can't make a
DOSBS call - period.

You still need to buy BRI service - no way around that. All DOSBS allows
you to do is make the 56K DOSBS calls at a *voice* tariff instead of a
*data* tariff. In some areas there is a major difference, in others there
is no difference at all and DOSBS is pointless. (Well, from the client
end - sometimes there is still a difference on the server end cost of PRI
versus chanT1.)


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