Lucent 56k

Jordan Mendelson (
Sat, 26 Jul 1997 15:29:42 -0400 (EDT)

I remember a while back before Rockwell & Lucent merged their work into
one protocol name that Lucent had announced support for a 45/45 symmentric
mode. Lucent also said that they had a way to get 56k as opposed to the
53k that USR was offering.

Does anyone know if the modem code for the new modem cards will support
either of these two options? Also, from what I understand, the 56k
download speed will result in a slower-than 33.6 upload speed, does anyone
have a list of upload/download speeds which the K56 protocol supports?



Jordan Mendelson     :
Web Services, Inc.   :
Quote Of The Day     : The world is only round if you perceive it to be so.