Re: 56k Required encoding

Michael Brennen (
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 23:52:01 -0500 (CDT)

AMI is not a good choice for a data circuit, and I'm not sure the PM3 even
supports it. It has been some time since I was around the details of
this, but as I remember it, AMI does not have enough line transitions to
allow proper clock recovery. Unless the line is very busy (to keep
transitions high) you will get errors on the link. B8ZS forces a high
enough line transitions rate through enforced bipolar violations to allow
decent clock recovery, and should always be used on a data circuit.

-- Michael

On Fri, 25 Jul 1997 wrote:

> Anyone know if the 56k technology will work if I use AMI as opposed
> to B8ZS on my T-1's or does it matter??
> Jon Clemons