A (maybe dumb) static route question

David S. Graves (admin@graves.com)
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 21:19:53 -0400

I've got 3 ethers , all connected by ds1's through irx's.

irx's are running ospf

Let's call them ether A, B and C

I've got a Class C routed to each ether.

The internet is connected to ether A

so it looks like this:


I've got 2 pm3's at the end of etherC


It appears that I MUST add static routes at the routers between ether A and
ether B
or the portmonsters at ether C can't be seen.

Is this necessary with OSPF -- why doesn't the portmonster announce itself?

I've got a coupla plain unix boxes on ether C -- it makes sense that they need
static routes, but what about the portmonsters?


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