Re: A few PM-3 problems (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 15:08:13 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jon Rust shaped the electrons to say...
>>- After I upgraded from 3.5.1b8 to 3.5.1b20, all of my RADIUS accounting
>> records have a "Request-Authenticator = Unverified" This did not
>> happen during my limited testing with 3.5.1b8. Authentication and
>> logging all work properly. The Request-Authenticator field just
>> always comes back as Unverified instead of Verified.
>Bingo. A few of us have seen this, but LE has been silent on the issue. I
>guess it's harmless, just a little unnerving.

I must have missed it if it came up on the list before - that should
not be happening, obviously.

If you haven't already, anyone seeing this should contact support.


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