b20 and dying riders

Jon Rust (jpr@vcnet.com)
Fri, 25 Jul 97 09:41:51 -0700

I'm running b20 on my PM-3's. Occasionally, the riders disappear. No
alarms, no red lights, sh all and sh linex don't show that anything is
wrong. Usually there are still about 6 - 10 ports that work, but all the
others (2 PRIs worth) are gone, so my users get busy signals. Happens
about once every 2 weeks. A reboot of the PM-3 brings everything back to

If this is a phone co issue, why isn't the PM-3 telling me something's

If it looks like a s/w issue, is this a known bug? It is beta after all...

PRIs are coming out of a DMS-100 and an AT&T/5ess (2 from each, two
PM-3's). Switch type set to NI-2. Both analog and ISDN users calling in.
Happens to both sets.

Thanks for the help!
