Re: Authentication between providers

Mike Taylor (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 17:57:29 +0000 ( )

Last time I checked Merit Radius supported this, however it did not "slide
right in" on my linux box when I tried it, so thats about all I can tell

On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, Rodolfo Siviero Stein wrote:

> Do you know how to implement a authentication process between two
> providers that use radius ?
> I will try to explain bettter:
> Suppose that a user from provider A need to connect to the internet in
> the city of provider B.
> These providers are partners.
> So the user dial in the portmaster of provider B with the username
> user@prov_A and the radius of provider B was 'instructed' to relay the
> authentication with Provider A.
> When the bill goes to the user, the time used with provider B was charged
> correctly and these providers exchange their credits.
> Is there a system that can do that ? How the networks of independent
> providers in USA work ?
> Rodolfo Stein
> PersoCom - Brazil

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