Re: When did OSPF become The IGP? (was Re: BGP on dialup links?)

Stephen Fisher (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 15:26:29 -0600 (MDT)

OSPF is defined and designed as an interior routing protocol. What else
is there to say?

On 24 Jul 1997, Daniel Simms wrote:

> >>>>> "JS" == John Storms <> writes:
> JS> Using BGP as and IGP is like swatting flys with a sledge hammer,
> Elaborate, please. This seems to get right to the heart of what (and
> why) Livingston will and will not do WRT IGP.
> --
> Daniel Simms "A common mistake that people make when trying to design
> something completely foolproof [is] to underestimate the
> (408) 720-6161 ingenuity of complete fools" -Ford Prefect