Re: V.FC support for the PM3

Oystein Homelien (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 16:36:46 +0200 (MET DST)

On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, Sherwood Portmaster-List wrote:

> Marty, explain why.... V.FC is not a standard, but rather an interim
> protocol, like HST and V.Fast, thus is not supported...
> Livingston has always announced their support of the Standards set forth
> by the ITU...
> Thus the V.FC, will not work, but v.32bis (is this the 14.4Kbps protocol?)
> will...

The problem I am facing is that we are expected to support V.FC even
though it is not a standard, and the Total Controls (which our competitors
use) do support it as far as I can see.

Oystein Homelien | email:
PowerTech Information Systems AS | voice: +47-2220-3330 | address: Storgata 37, N-0182 OSLO