Re: Packard bell

Tom Swenson (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 08:31:08 -0500

I found that PB's (some of them), have a line in the win.ini file called=
thunk.exe or something like that, if you remove that line, then the DNS=
will work fine.

This has worked for me anyway.

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On 07/23/97, at 06:25 PM, Travis Sullivan wrote:

>Has anyone had trouble with the new Packard bells, 1.5 years or newer, and
>For the past year or so, on Packard bell machines, the dns doesn't work.
>In the
>browser or dos ftp, it will not find names, only numbers.
>The only fix I have for this is reinstalling windows95 to a different
>directory or formatting the
>hard drive.
>Any tips? I have went through network in control panel as well as DUN.
>Travis Sullivan
>Simple Communications, Inc.

Tom Swenson