Re: Spiraling Death and a Hayes Accura with 3.5.1b20?

Jason Nealis (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 09:27:48 -0400 (EDT)

FYI, I have seen the same behavior in the Hayes Accura
over here dialing into my Max's, My Hayes Accura worked fine untill
I upgraded it to .520, You can find out what firmware you have on there
by doing a



And after the connection here are the stats look familer?

LAST TX data rate........... 24000 BPS
HIGHEST TX data rate........ 31200 BPS
LAST RX data rate........... 12000 BPS
HIGHEST RX data rate........ 34000 BPS
Error correction PROTOCOL... NONE
Data COMPRESSION............ NONE
Line QUALITY................ 127
Receive LEVEL............... 029
Highest SPX Receive State... 68
Highest SPX Transmit State.. 67
EQM Sum Value............... 0000
RBS Counter................. 251A
Digital Pad Detected........ None

I've tried to get in touch with Hayes, But thier customer support line
is busy 24/7, (I guess I'm not the only one having problems then) :)

Jason Nealis
Director Internet Operations
Network Access
Erols Internet

On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, Scott Call wrote:

> I just installed several new portmasters in one of our POPs, and because
> we hace CT1 instead of PRI in that location (at least 'til next
> month) I put 3.5.1b20 on the boxen.
> I was doing testing with a hayes Accura K56 modem to test the 33.6/28.8
> connectivity (since pre b20 didn't negotiate unless you turned off 56k
> on the modems) and got connected and authenticated just fine, I fired up
> quake (don't laugh, networked quake is a great way to stress-test a
> modem line :) and it ran fine for about 5 minutes and then began to
> slow down. I checked the modem (sh m0) and it had reduced the xmit (to
> me) speed to 12000 (from 28800).
> I tried this several times, and got the same results. If I dissabled
> 56k and dialed into a box with 3.5c6 on PRIs, it worked great and didn't
> spiral down.
> Is this a 3.5.1b20 problem, a channel T1 vs PRI problem, or a hayes know
> problem?
> -Scott