Re: Question : CIR

Ward R. Goodwin Jr. (
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 22:30:43 -0400

At 09:38 AM 7/23/97 +0100, Gordon Soukoreff wrote:
>This maybe a dumb question, but how can I tell or check that
>the Telco is giving me the CIR on the Framed Relay I'm paying

Not dumb...

We had the local telco install Motorola FRAD's and when whe looked over the
configuration it was set to a CIR of 16000 instead of the 28800 that was
supposed to be there. Needless to say it's fixed...<G> And we will be
double / triple checking all future installs.

BTW in a fine old tradition.... ME TOO!!!

I could use a way to check it myself. Would Bing do the trick?

Ward R. Goodwin Jr. Mountain Internet, Inc.
System Administrator P.O. Box 1939
Voice - (540) 935-4141 Grundy, VA 24614 Fax - (540) 935-5153
Meddle not in my affairs!
Forget not that thee are mortal, and taste well with sauce...
Opinions expressed here cast no reflections...<G>