Re: RadiusNT

Dale E. Reed Jr. (
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 18:24:38 -0700

Gate wrote:
> We would like to upgrade from IEA's Radius NT 1.0 to Livingston's RadiusNT
> 2.0. How would we go about doing this without losing any information and
> getting down time? Since IEA is now charging for their Radius, we would
> like something that we don't have to pay for.. Along with paying for tech
> support. Thanks..

The support hasn't changed whether it is commercial or not. You can
still use 1.16.60 for as long as you want. We are not forcing you to
upgrade to RadiusNT 2.2.

Besides, if you have become acustom to the features in RadiusNT 1.16.60,
you might be a little disappointed changing to Livingston's RADIUS NT.

Dale E. Reed Jr.  (
       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs
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