Spiraling Death and a Hayes Accura with 3.5.1b20?

Scott Call (scall@ccnet.com)
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 15:40:37 -0700

I just installed several new portmasters in one of our POPs, and because
we hace CT1 instead of PRI in that location (at least 'til next
month) I put 3.5.1b20 on the boxen.

I was doing testing with a hayes Accura K56 modem to test the 33.6/28.8
connectivity (since pre b20 didn't negotiate unless you turned off 56k
on the modems) and got connected and authenticated just fine, I fired up
quake (don't laugh, networked quake is a great way to stress-test a
modem line :) and it ran fine for about 5 minutes and then began to
slow down. I checked the modem (sh m0) and it had reduced the xmit (to
me) speed to 12000 (from 28800).

I tried this several times, and got the same results. If I dissabled
56k and dialed into a box with 3.5c6 on PRIs, it worked great and didn't
spiral down.

Is this a 3.5.1b20 problem, a channel T1 vs PRI problem, or a hayes know
