Re: RADIUS on Linux/Alpha

Richard Bullington (
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 05:50:22 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, Douglas W Babst wrote:

> I'm a recent proud owner of a DEC Alpha clone (433mhz Durango, RedHat
> Linux 4.2, 2.0.30 kernel) and have run into my first (fairly) serious
> compiling problem. Has anyone compiled Livingston 1.16 RADIUS on
> Linux/Alpha? Below are the results of the make.

The radiusd described at is working
beautifully here on Red Hat 4.1, 2.0.27 kernel, UDB 166MHz Alpha hardware.
This may suit your purposes. It is based on 1.16 RADIUS and has
significant enhancements, also described at that URL.

-Richard Bullington <>