Re: How To Subnet Using VLSM

Ward Goodwin Jr. (
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 18:37:26 -0400

Thanks John for an excellent doc on how to subnet a class c. However in my
case I had that part figured out.:) What I am wanting to do is...

I want to subnet a /22 into the following configuration and route it out
the w1 port of a Portmaster OR-HS. Here's the subnetting as I see it:

/22 /23 Customer 1
/24 /25 Expansion room Customer 8
/25 /26 Expansion room Customer 8
/26 Customer 8's current /26
/24 /25 /27 Customer 2
/27 /28 Customer 3
/28 Customer 4
/27 /28 Customer 5
/28 Customer 6
/27 /28 Customer 7
/28 Unallocated
/25 Unallocated

Customer 1 /23 DLCI 16
Customer 2 /27 DLCI 17
Customer 3 /28 DLCI 18
Customer 4 /28 DLCI 19
Customer 5 /28 DLCI 20
Customer 6 /28 DLCI 21
Customer 7 /28 DLCI 22
Customer 8 /26 DLCI 23
This is reserving a full /24 for Customer 8 who will be using only a /26
for the next 2-3 months.

Now I understant that I have to use OSPF . I haven't set it up yet tho. I
also suspect it would be a good idea to go ahead and switch from routed to
gated on my BSDI Box so it will also speak OSPF. The Topology of my
network is very simple for the time being...

T1 | |
<---Internet----------| BSDI Box |
| |
Ethernet with other boxes, Web, Win95, Term Serv...
T1 | Portmaster |
<-Frame to Customers--| OR-HS |
| Router |

So what I'm looking for is configuration info about how to set up this
subnetting scheme in this network with this Router.


At 01:03 PM 7/21/97 -0700, John Storms wrote:
>I've been meaning to write this note for a while now since this sort of
>thing gets asked quite a bit.
>>I am looking for several configs for an Office Router HS to get me going
>>on setting up moderate to complicated Varible Length Subnetting
>>First off... I am very new to this. Not that that will stop me... I'm
>>very... (stubborn would be the polite word)
>>I want to learn to do this fairly quickly and I have found in the past
>>that being able to examine a variety of setups will help me a great deal.

Ward R. Goodwin Jr. Mountain Internet, Inc.
System Administrator P.O. Box 1939
Voice - (540) 935-4141 Grundy, VA 24614 Fax - (540) 935-5153
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