(no subject)

Robert M. Ballenger (rmb@servnettech.com)
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 08:47:14 -0400

NTVDM is the NT Virtual Dos Machine, which allows DOS applications and the 16 bit Windows on Windows environment to run. What do you mean by 100%, 100% of the processor or 100% of the time? Every time you load a DOS program NT will automatically load a new NTVDM. By default, all 16 bit Windows programs run in one Windows-on-Windows environment unless you specifically set it to run in its own memory space in which case a new NTVDM will be executed. Are you running any DOS or Win16 programs? Hope this helps.

At 08:09 PM 7/21/97 -0500, Christopher M. Stach wrote:

>What is Ntvdm.exe


>It was running at 100%, what would cause this to run at 100%?


>Sorry for being off the topic, any help would be appreciated




>Christopher M. Stach

>Vice President

>Simple Communication, Inc.




Robert M. Ballenger, Ph.D.

V. P. Technology and Training

Serv<italic>NET</italic> Technologies