Re: quick disconnects with cardinal modems

Robert Hiltibidal (
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 07:04:40 -0500 (CDT)


I've seen a lot of Cardinals get sent back for repair or simply returned
for a refund. I wish I had some statistics for you--I don't so all I can
say is motorola and usr (non56ks) have outperformed every Cardinal I've
seen to date. I get better download speeds, my connections don't drop and
I don't have to be concerned about irq conflicts. One cardinal I had the
misfortune to work on was set for com 1... the irq had to be set for
com2+4's irq. It was the only way it'd work.

I'm glad you have good experiences with Cardinal's. I, unfortunately, have


On Mon, 21 Jul 1997, Sherwood Portmaster-List wrote:

> Notorious?!?!
> Let me tell you! When I was running my Cardinals, I only power cycled 6
> individual modems once each! Over an 8 month period! I've seen some
> modems that needed to be power cycled at least once a week, not to mention
> having to cycle entire racks...
> Sorry, but I have to differ, these have been some of the most solid modems
> we've ever run!
> Anyway, I'm sad now that they support X2.. *shrug* oh, well....
> --
> Aloha from Paradise,
> Sherwood

Systems Programmer "Open the doors of your stores 24 hours a day" Springpatch Mall