[Q]network security

Leonard (pmfan@infinetgroup.com)
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 22:15:39 -0700 (PDT)

This may be slightly off topic. If so, I apologise in advance.
One of the computers in our network was recently attacked. The symptoms
were that certain network services on the computer simply stopped
responding, even after killing and restarting them. I would guess it to
be a SYN attack, but am most likely wrong :)

Anyway, we already have our network behind firewall filters similar to
what you can put on a PM3. I was wondering how getting a IRX-211 would be
different from this? From what I can gather from the datasheets, the
IRX-211 seems to be only a blocking firewall, thus little more than
dual-ethernet ports on say a ComOs box. We would like to protect (as
much as we can) our core/essential services as well, instead of placing
them outside the firewall. Perhaps a proxy firewall would suit us better?
If so, does anyone have any suggestions as to a good proxy firewall?
Maybe I should get in touch with Livingston sales?

Thanks in advance.