Portmaster OR-HS configs

Ward Goodwin (wardish3@mtinter.net)
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 13:40:25 -0400 (EDT)

I am looking for several configs for an Office Router HS to get me going
on setting up moderate to complicated Varible Length Subnetting

First off... I am very new to this. Not that that will stop me... I'm
very... (stubborn would be the polite word)

I want to learn to do this fairly quickly and I have found in the past
that being able to examine a variety of setups will help me a great deal.

Also If anyone has any recomendations for books on the subject. (I've
ordered one on cisco's but I don't have a cisco...<G> I have a OR-HS.)

And of course I would appreciate any web or ftp sites with info that
might be helpful.

Many thanks for any help recieved.

Ward R. Goodwin Jr. Mountain Internet, Inc. sysadmin@mtinter.net
System Administrator P.O. Box 1939 wardish@mtinter.net
Voice - (540) 935-4141 Grundy, VA 24614 Fax - (540) 935-5153
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